wvent oln business to %litneapolis and p most delighttuI permanent ad- wiII~~~~~~S . qMs Snthii ewYrko' Wdress. - An unusual suit.-e-with Fridav. rettuniing Octoher 2. s lw<od-burning firoplace, Venetian "Ç't'ablinds, many other comfortsanad' ATTED MAHINESHOWconvenieflces, and full hotel serv- I ~Ice, is 110w available. Earl C. NI os., 31(1 Cuinnor read,~ Kei Iwortlh. retturned lridav.iniotor- k ..... xetoa potnt ing ith Chicago and IRockiorcl*(j '«Ecetoa potnt friends f roin Cleveland, wlierc tlw .m. fr.e.....rerSut went to attend the Machine Tool With Lakec OutlooIc show Kai MssJr.,lia reurnd * ~ . ~«.This suite commands a- glorious tce the UiversitN, of Illinois te ne o4 Y». ~vi.w--is newly. decorated a d fur- hi~ tiiior ~ar ~*»;.«.wnshed-and lias the distinctive