cil.ini the role uf a catihie vh1o gon- d - 1a, dolasi swva -,t or ad io f a me. 'fhe tunile s * are plentifu 1. rich and well handled by Powell whilc Joan Bondeil, I.ouise Fazenda, Grant Mitchell and Adolphe Menjou tearn up for Chesty chuickles. [ Charles Boyer*s niagnetisin andi Loretta Yoting's heautv contribute * greatly to the success of -Shanghai- at the Teatro (ICI Lago nextWde- * dav and Thursday. "*Shanighiai" pro- duced by. Walter Waiige.r who gave 'P'rivate \\oridls' to the public, is l)ased on the question of. marriage between a EIrasiait and a white girl. Warner BRamtr atW&lmtt BUYS HOUSE FOR PAREN~TS Twentieth Century-Fox. Joe Penner, now ii Hollywood for Paranioiunt's *'Coliegiate," plans to 105 SPEAKING RO niake Caliiorniia' fot oniy his *own -ThIe Great Ziëgfeld," honme but that of his parents, and duicer Hunt Stromberg am 'las botiglt thieni a house ini San cdata. W'illiamn Authoiny D)iego. have ordered into prodi have no less than 105 spea bttèr huswîes oscoe I<arnis' 'WilliarnPowell wi'll portu coniedy hèelps the rapid fire hurnor. Ne,çt \'edniesdaN- and T'hursday the W n. trig lrKrofin ni e t t e pre-sents "The Black L - Bat. Doorg Open at 12308 Show Startu ut 1 Thurs., Sept. 26 "Love Ne Voeer' iirace 'Moore-Leo Carrilop