Ke v: -a-tdifis. Y--miulh 13. to 18 3vears cfaf qw.C-chlidre,, 8 to 12 Years. F-a,,i Wiln1tte TIi.ater Septemnber 20-'I.,ove Me Forever. Do 'lot miss this splendid family filmI.ý ,Septeniber 27-28-"Uncler the' Pami- pas Moon:." A gauîcho 0on the Argentine pampas. For A and Y. *September 29-30, October 1-"Front Page WVoman.' Hilariouis rivalry be- tween a mani and a girl reporter. Enter- taining for A and Y. 0f no interest to C. .Octoher 2-3--T'le Black R0011.' Foý A. MNrs. Joli, Carpenter tif FLanston, fornierly cof KeniilwortIl is îuoving toi Ille Chiin"levs in \Winnetka Octobe'r 1 I-er soi', Billy, lbas returlied to WVood stock, 111 , where hie attends the 1Todd Scliool for Bovs. --o- Ille Misses Prudence and Ruthl Johnson. daughiters of Mrs. Honier Johnson,. 158 Xleirose avenue. leit Kenilivorth Sunday for New York where theV wiIl attend the Fincli schlool. 211<1 ~f