* corne the Iovel-est crepe dresses of fait. Their Eli Culbertson bridge conventioni for quarters in the \Wilmette Theater colors have béen inspired by the paintings'of world adlvanced teachers. building to larger space in the First faed Ialanariss ..Flretie ol, itanreNational Banik building., The change 4 famd, talen rtits.. lorntie gldTiten ed Clyde Hays, 519 Laurel avenue, re- gives the shop the additiofîal floor Veron.ese greeni. Their silhouettes become elegant turned ast Suunday froni a three space ma.de necessary by constasativ with soft draperies, new fuliness. You'1I want therm weeks' business trip in the east. i ncreasing business,, it is explained. to wear et bridge parties, to the club and for quetFo os dei ou*Sa rd y nd u d y evenngsat hme ith rieds.CHOCOLATE SODAS Qurt Brick of .1c. Cr*em.35 UTILITY WOOL 0R15$E5 SUmortIy foi red . .. 1 - and 2-piec. $750 -59.50 - $13.50 - $14.75 '. 1 .