mous first. round lirary in Sans -uci, buit Iby Frederick, the Great Potsdamn. "I like ine better.'1 id Mr. Epstein engagingly. '41t is ore conifortable, more beautiful." is indeed a Iovely roomn, %ith deep -en walls. a metatlic silverv ceiling, low wbich hangs ait old wrought *n Frelicl candelabra with fadeci ustel flowers pailnted on its rin and hite catîdies thrtist into the niany ckets. the inevitable old miaster er the fireplaçe, fasciîiatiig Ciniese ortuar terval figiir e s on1 Course, jin0Open Cllassic cohtimls, -At Your G-rocer',- AIRY FAURY, CAKE FLOWt The OnIy Coke F1our > Enrichd with Sunshia. 'Vtomn j,"O"