I Small private parties miay be served in the Mezzanine Difiing Room, the smaller and more intimate Blue Room or the Pompeian Room ta suit your desire. Large ba2qu4, dinner dances and evening entertail<ûn- ments are amply provided for ini aur Ballroom. Dinner sçrved da ily from 5: 30 to 8.:3 0 P. M.. 6 5c to $ 1. 25 Luncheon served daily from 1 1: 3 tO 2 P. M.,. .. 45C ta 75C Suuday Diirner served frctii1,2 to 8:30 p-.m.. 75C ta $1.25 Sunday Breakfast served froM 8 to 12 a. ..- ' 3 5c to 6 5c IiI