worth anounceHhnoelgaem.'t mong the parties given for Mis, wthr anuhte eagemento Wioia The bride wore a white lace evening Taft have been a paper shower with 1* urrJurmIstAhib ald Yoer lzt, no Mrs. Ed ess and hat, and a carnation lei. Her, Miss Sarah Page as. ho4tess.; .a per- ward HIenry Yonkers of IEvanston, twin sister, Miss Virginia Dennis, ber sonal gif t shower and evening bridge CoII.ge Club Speaker formerly of Wilmette. only attendant, was gowintd ini pink. given by Miss Elizabeth Jeulcins and "Frot Pge tôres Pom oscw Te anounem~t ws mde ast ter the wedding service, which toolc Miss Martha Etzbach; a pantry shower and Brli" wil b reatd 1 Ms.Saturday to forty-five guests at a tea place at the home of the'bridegroom's with Miss Mary Forrcst of Win- ardrin " owill e USfrele be rs o tteFe*erlhb, parents, a reception was held at the netka as hostess; a bathroom show- a sucig is.rudnec rautdfRo y aal Hawaiian htel. hm er and buffet Dutch supper with Miss the Chicago College club at ameig Ms uenec rdae rm Mr. and Mrs. Ellis wilb thm Virginia Traylor of Winnetka the to be beld at Il o'clock $aturday morn- Roycemore school and Northwestern at Lihu*e Kauai, T. H., after October 1. hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Da1- ing. Mrs. Deuss, a lecturer-journalist, university, where she was an Alpha ton of Evanston entertained Sun4a3y will be the club's guest at lunicheon fol- Phi. and she took graduate work at at a cocktail party and bar shower. lowing lier lecture. Oklahoma University Iast year. à-là;*--... - -.