i~vgi~r vaie . lb.~ ~ Brooks. Mrs. Clifton L. Darling, announced.In u raeS hd l And by popular request we have president of the guild, is calling a In u raeS h d l a special on board meeting at lier home.at 1il30 Miss Jacobs, who recently swept Football teains represeniitng the josephi CIIOCOLATE COVERED preceding the luncheon. throughi the national tournanient for' Sears school in Kenilworth were sched- NUTS, i fer fourth consecutive titie, plays a uIed to play their first ganies of the sea- 69e forceful gane Ikeyed to the tempo of son on the horne gridiron Wrednesday Regular 80c value .... IL 69 ENTERTAINS FOR DAUGItTE masculine speed and is nimble footed, nd Thursday of this week, with the - -Mrs. ClydIe W. Eckhardt, 1228 ini reaching shots usually beyond 1 }Haven scbool of Evanston furnishing