furnave, oun nea.u iaz..,osta rear porches. Garage. Beautiful lot. Pos- session now. Price $500, Many other rentals available to $300 per month, R. B. WHITAKER CO 140 CENTER ST. WI~NTKA 3250 Open Week 1Days 9 o9 ,s have ubten, ut today, for. last 6 ris 2 bdrins., garage ....... $50 7 rims., 4 bdrnis., 2 bs., sun rm., ohl. 90 8 rins., 5 bdrmis., 2% bs., k.'r-stove.- 90 .8 rins., 5 bdrnis., ,2 bs., att. garage. . 100' 8 mnis, 5 bdr-is., 3% bs., ohl....... 125 4 r n ii., brick, 3 bs., den, 3 pchs ...150 4 rnis., 6 bdrtns., 3% bs., 11/ acres. 175 Many others to select froni. E. E, STULTS. REALTY .CO. 40 Winnetka Avenue Winnptk-i 1800 97LTN22-ltc 7 r nis., m ris, heat, 2-car garage, recreation r00W. At- grounds8Oux230, well wouued. -rice re- tractive landscaped deep lot. Amng di*ced to $22,600 or want offer for-quick homes of distinction........ $5,000.00 sale. Terms to suilt purchaser. Whil rent éeasonaie. Detais and appointment to many other selections availabl throîigh inspect, see our Photo-Tour. E. E. STULTS REALTY CO. Exclusive Agents * R B.WHIAK R CO. 460 WINNETKA AVE. WINN. 1800 140 CENTER'ST. WINNETKA 325 - -TN2-t OP'EN WEEK DAYS 4 TO 9 WO ERU BAG N ~ SMALL HOUSE ON BEAUTIFUL 2 bs., ohl, 2 c. g ........ $115 3 bs., 011 3 C. g. .ý .. 110 1 2 bs.., 1, 1 C.'g .....950 1 b., H. A. H. .... .. 5 1 b.,H. W. H., 1c. g...1. 401 pt., scr. pch . .... .... 45 apt., enci, pcb. ... ... 30. - ---l --u 9r Mrs. Yerke, FULLER & IPICKAIRD WINN. 3603 11 ILTN22-Ite