New rrier is niaking arrangemnents to takeù carc of 3,500 teachers and adminis- * trators NYho are expected to attend tisý itnlinal fail meceting of theü Lake hr division. The wdiýisioni ncludès alf L.ake Couty. and ail of' Cool< couity«. (311 tside thie city lirnits of Chicago. Miss 'Margaret Dady, assistailt pritici- pal of \\'atkegaii Township) Highi school, is president of the division, and' \V. L. * Brown., director of refereiice a~nd re,- search at New Trier, is secretary. J. 1.- Ha rper, superintendent of the N\ilinet:te Public schiools, is a îast presîdent of the division, and Silpt. F-.I.. Nygaard of Kenilworth served for several ycars, ts rwhich wviI1 be placed on e in 'the inatter of; appl.viin- credit. Wilmette Girls PIedge Sororities at Beloit' TWO \Vilmette girls pledged sorori- ties at Beloit coll ege recently. Mtar- jorie Krésge, daugliter of Nfr- and Mrs. M. L. Kresge, 2615 Biàckhiawk street. Wihinette, pledged. Pi Beta Phi sororit3v. Miss Kresge graduiated f roin New Trier highi school and eitered Reloit as a freshman last mntth. I's /Plaines, alnd Elhhrst. Men's Gym Class Open to Addltional Recruits The initial meéeting of the MNen's Thursday Niglit Gyni cIass at New Trier Ijigh school brought out an eîicouraging attcendance, October ., accordiiig to W., S. NordLburg of Winnetka, sponsor of thiis recreation group. The first evening of the îx*mw season was devoted to calesthenics, indoor Locust road. At the conclusion of its deliberations the above committee set the budget re- quirements at,$25,000, and a4piitted the following charitable organizations to participation: WVilmette Welfare board. Arden Shore Rest Camp. Infant \Welfare uociety. Arnerican Red Cross. Illinois, Children's Home and Aid Society. Boy Scouts,