Park place, ÎLstn.Iudtord, Nlarceïl t.ý son, Phyllis McDail w Louise Noble, Jeai riet Petz, Caý-o F Rotary Meeting ards. Sinrlev Sykes Janiet Vawtet, * lhe wooiiet o.f the Rotary Club of MshrNarshall. Chicago wiII 1iold tIejr regular :nlolily meeting on Xednesday, Oc-1 tober 10, ini the crystal rooru of the Hotel Sherman at 12 o'clock. Mirs. Mrs. Santford 1 Clarence N. Cahili of *Glencov a .and wick road; Kenilv NMrs. Earl J. Gossett of NVinnetka Iast Tuesday at Tui are in charge of the lnho n ml group of fri( decorations %vhicbli Il carry a liarvest Nortliwestern Uni lime mlotif. style show. Ir abrios a: expertly as &"0 -w 0- * priced s t yle the made in a by ly where you urance, of