cooperatic sW. Au etîtries wilJ be taken at the .following stotreS; Gordian Book sholp, 330 1Lin- den avt~enue; Wilrnette Stationery and Gif t shop, 1155 Wihnette avenue: Bloulevard Drug store, 1101 Central aveiiue; Ridge Avenue Pharznacy, 901 * Ridge road; Blann's Pharinacy, 4W \Nook, 417 Richmond road, Kenil- worth; Indian Trail Tea Room, 507 Chestnut street, Winnettka. and Bau- iiain-Cool,, 553 Lincoln. aveinte, C.Mathems, NIrs. Russell Reprêsents Sorority The locale for the Rutnnage salv the Mary Crane. league is planning all-day Thursday, October 17, is 1514 Shermnan avenue, Evanstoit, the cont- inittec annotinces this week. A pre-sale is taking place Wcdnies- day evening, October 16, %vith the doors opening at 7 o'clock. League meinibers Nvho ivili assist Mrs. Henry Clingman of~ 91 Abbots- onger Storey,, *of K<: sible to play ail but mi1e suhject on thc hirst twvo progranis of the Chicago sytnponv.Howvever, as that %would miake too long a concert, the prograni will be dra-n~ fromn the following *works which played.during the' first two %vecks: .Svimphony in 1) nîluior, ees ar Franck: Unfinishîed Symîphony, Schui- bert; Iberia, Debus>sv; Overttîre and Bacchanale front Tannhilatse r, WVag- ner Fourth Concerto, Bach: Variai- tions ona Thienie by Haydn, Brahnm T)eathi and l'raitsfiguration, Stratuý,, s