HoId Everythingi Here comes RYTEX'STREAM.LINE The stationery sensation of the season. It's new- is smiart and it's specially pticed for Bob * Troi Last -N to the scouts, tuas- iiig the highest 5 per cent of the is to be in the nature counicils. its substance cannot With 186.2 scouts for every 100' d. 'lle act, however, twelve year old boys in the area, the, be the answer to the North Shore Area council received i is an anchor liot an an index of 99. With '564 boys within the year's period becoming scouts, which is 84.6 per cent of the number of available twelve year olds in the rd JElected area (a boy must be 12 years of age Ie for Tronm l(m before he can become a scout), the under 17 werei way. com- i the country' of neW boys