for S The is to make so' re-clress te Nursery its posses- the Mother and books November 2, Date of T'le Sunbeani league Charity bail is to be hield Saturday, .Novcinber. 2. in the Grand ballrootn of tile Ste!vens, hotel., Charles Gaylord and his or- chestra will play for dancing fromn 10 mtl3.An. excellent floor showv is plained with outstanding numbers froîn favorite dining and dancing places in Chicago. Supper will be served at mnidnight. student at thc Tea will be will be prese tions for pri2 a style show s'ound Motion picti erous dona- ispheres ini a WVo een received -shown. Supper wi returns from rain JJUt"'itfl 1-eni- Cruise" will bc fOlloW the pro- ,giate Bureau of was the_ the boai mas gil and. wh tribute. supply n1W fnui 41and The