oration is ume cssentia i ni ice, and some of the young eadventurous spirit are e. iake a trip to the mobn, by mi Sgiant Space Gun. On this na of the conchiding por rue. wing what h e1 be like, ini the ce inl se doing lhec Uctavus Roy UoIl ist, but humer is( facets of this dist ents. In bis n"em of Clera'>. Mr. C net finds dal which life. Loi ,the story, of an to rise from the the high sociéty ,wn. Many, diffi- Ives and Justine involved in a s to ruin ber en- :oe to her and~ *on learning ef her cleparture, hastews to f ollow, but by a stroke of fate -arrives teo late te prevent her miar- triage. Tragically the paths of thù - two young lovers separate. Amalia a setties down to the rough life of a sfarm in the plains of Nebraska. t Matthias, trying to forge ,t h-s. aching i heart, throws himself with zest. intu ethe business life of the thriving eNebraska city. Now, the author, with - the siçili of an experienced novelist. 2turns from one family to another. Carricd to Il!odtpzTinte's Publishod iow for the first terne. 1724 Orrington Av*. Gre. 0227