HA.-IRD & \V 7A'RNER, hic.î î',4 Ei~n Street, Wirlletk&î s h ý'innetka 2700 Briargate 18~55si ____________________11j.TN24-ltc- W --f BEDR'OOMS-5- BA--S laOO Spacious pa*nelle.d Iibrary, htd. sIp. and brkfst. porches, Ige.. glazed or sereened porch, H. '%V oil 1heat, 011 water heater,. 905 2-car gar., rear stairs, butler's pantry, cýanvased walls, half acre beautiful wooded g r o u n d A' near lake, transp., LAI ,schools, elec. refrigerator, incinerator, Li and gas range.. Also for vent furn. or ing unrurn. $l50.' gar. HE INSEN REALTY CO. d'u ' lX'ilIeAgentsçWnek 254 Witt Ill l., N2 -îtû ered .Yopt Need Not Pay Rent 771 MIONF4Y AVAI FOR res;iden MT.R. M .'-. La Salle St, lenue Phlole: WE HA able toains. S DAMASK ýs to match, $4; single and floor lai chaijr. Pli. 1601 'AIL- it oni USE le, cii