bùnch dozen GE ROAD FLORIST WILMETTE. 1lit. ivsut. buttevr atitiudes arc biMIIII anâc i. ffte hihôiwsKmrD e flic probleni g.3inss-t andIiIg Ill the151) ideti avenue, who wvas asked hi ref)reselltXiiiette. The first. ut a :cric-, pi sucI i icet- 'le Red Cro.ss is a participant in Ings * %ilI hC at 10):30) on Nlotda\- the \\*iintte Conimunity Chest,. tht mbrinig. .Žoveinber 4, at which tirne fund çailnpaigsi for' which openis on' Dr. HoNward Lané ilI talk especia1tly October 28 and continuies until No- to rnotiners of Pre-School and Pri- véniher 20. Its work in W'lilnette,. as. ar3. children.i indicated ahove, will, it is feit. com- On X\Vedncsday, Novvmber (e.Dir.ntend it to flic generosity of v'it- Laxe: wiII meet with the rnothe rs of lagers. gr'(le chiidren ; hôthImeetings iM the entrai schooI. Announce Exams fo