.%lf. '.\r. Clark stated Tuesday that bis first business acquaintance with Cvanston bas impressed hiiin vers' favorably. Iiiu keeping %vith the modern trend in ilbilding design. the front of the building has been surfaced ini smooth * toile and. black fabricated inaterial. Nem- low-shelved display windows have also been installed. The main floor of the new 'Smyth s 'tore is finished in white, with Imishied ahimrinuniii indirect 'lighting fixtures set into the ceiling. Com- :artnient 'settings portraying. living ALL TIIAT'S BEST 0F ALL THAT"S NEW 1. SlRd Sl "i TuUS.TopU 8»"« by LImprovedd ~pI..samId hydul. b:. ees witk mewcoe-nickel alloy drums 3. Encipseil e*-.Aaon mon "S" amm ES the new Pontiacsreatly more> beuiui than before, with a new front -end-, RSw headlight mouating, a different hoôd, different rnning boardi, an~d a decidedly different rear4end. And that's only the. outside @tory. The inuide story is even more renarkable. The. 1936 SiIirnr Streaks are buiketo lait 100,000 miles. The. brakes are triple-sealed Iiydraulice with warp-proofed druma of fused iîmn