,tuade available as soon as possîie Iwo u jJiJis oi "iUiiniJ,,3.a. Joung wi to ail the eligible wage earners, appear ini a prograni at the homne of Mrs. to vacate this iecdy aged,~ depefident and crippied Victor A. Oison, 1500 Highland avenue,1 this season of childjrexi, wido\\wed inothers, the in- tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o'clock. TheI ticular, inost ut (igelit disabled and the blind of the following numnbers will bepresented: Inmportant Event ...,Shumann nion. Fi-çan Foreign Lands . .. Sehurnanii Nor is it diffi "l'le Social Security-progr.am iut- Evangeline oison go into. effect by easy stages. The T Watn............... tt wh tif e faioe grants-ini-aide to the states for pen- Nite lamn on........rtt w pîne sions and welfare activities ivill go ,Yvonne Nistle. land and Peck into effect as soon as the iext Con- Prelude...........n the departure gresniakes funds available. The '.Abm Evangeline Oison the entrancing r first tax levied in connection wvith un- Busy Fingers..........Brett, ernplovinent insuirance goes into ef- Happy ý'Farier........Svîurnann, as Winnetka, 4]1 fect on iJanuary 1 next with the oid Spring Zephyrs.........Brett 1 land) and so age instirance tax effective a, year To a Wild Rose.......MaCDoWeUl Peck. Nor why lae.EvnWle i fileetxsindian Lodge . Mac(Dowell n.atiH Pater. Even ihen ailao thseCtaxesnd Ha par, of year, p, iri& throug beyond; regions of,1 many other are motor.