er EItU nro mesy;, tor Doris, Hme îretty olcier caugliter, ishcc$ to sec îchat was beloic, slw k :sfollouilig in lier motixers. ootstel), Io know or cry. an~d Studying composition if.or piano. all the other anycis had to do the' ner i:uutflcr added cello to piano, w, you sec, but Dorns favors the violini. Anxd 'hat's how theflcIitle stars hap pepi- clubby) Carol, who romtps aroutid the ýo be."1 house with Jiggs on a lcashi attired iii Flair For CIever Titles the Roycenore. school uiiiiorn oi Biggs hias a flair, for clever rniddy blo0use and pleate-d skirt also rhich eitiier present a pic ture ;studies piano. blish the inood of liercon The surprising thing about Dorothy isucli as "In the Cave of thei Bell Briggs is muat she looks as 'young igons," or -Orchard lFaîries." as~ lier ulaughters,an it is hiard tu a good exaniple of lier ingles realize that shelias been f ormnally er chlidren for wliom she educated at flosmier hall and ldarY both realistically and fantasti-inistîtute iii St. Louis and lias studierl piano with Erinest Kroeger ýof St. Àwound the CaxnDfire Louis and. Jeannette Durno of. Chi-