Iatest of.tes *sented these facts to the counity collector Iast week, and, it is said, receîved his promise to dis- *tribute approximately 95 per cent of the'armount promptly. The significant thing here is that local taxing bodies- decided that the old-time copybook pro- verb, "If you want a thing done, do it yourself," should be put to practical use. And now ten oi these units have no outstanding tax' anticipation warrants, not. will they be compeIled to operate on borrowed money "Ain't it a grand and glorious f eelin ?"p Balancing o-f budgets, that is, keeping expendi- tures within income, has been talked about a lot You niay not have noticed the following pro- vision of the Public Utili3y act passed by the 74th. congress. We didn't. We glimpsed it this minute ini the United States News: "lIn a few days it will beconie a crme punislhable by a fine up to $10,000 and by imprisonmenat up to two yea.rs, or both, for certain citizens of the United States tô talk to or write. letters to their representatives in Congress unless formai author-. ity to do so bas been obtained f rom a Federal. commission in Washington. "lIn order to have the privilege of communicat- ing with a member of Congress in the particular industry affected by the new law the individual must obtain permission virtually in the formn of a cription of Vermont state and'her lovable people, upon hearing which we detcrmTinied then and there to throw up our job, move to Vermont and live on a diet of granite blocks for the rest of our hf e, again cartied us to the heights. Then, Alex, came last Sunday. And you. And Irving Berlin. Oh, Alex, why did you so prostitute your incom- parable talents? Why did you. drag your cultured 'audience through the smelly labyrinths of New York's east side ipto its vicious dens of vice, its brotheis, ifs loathsome dives? Why did you parade before their eyes the crim~es of the underworld, including murder and woman's first profession? Was that necessary to the building of a pedesta.l upon which to place Irving Berlin, or t he weaving