orchestra cari- ýation as to its. if is to be the hetka planis t.0 of the program to be nesday eveniriR at his fi n by ,,$03 Society to UHve BaIl .Chicago artists and Chicago society alike have joined forces to bring to the Drake Hotel on October 26 the "finest artists' bail ever held in Chicago.'" Paul Trebilcock, well krnown Chicago artist who has painted many weJl known people including President Roosevelt, Speaker of the House, Rainey, and Mrs. Potter D'Orsay Palmer, wili give a portrait commission to the person who wvears the. most appropriate and mfost handsome costume to the bail. Because the costumes will. be authentic in de- tail and style .it was decided to add a lighter and less~ serions touch to the bail bit satirizinz celeI- lancers gave a c nunity House tw< The CGraf s' Lit i<iay evening, 'ed that the nnetka Comi- House, which was when John Martin, he New York Times be the ino5t unique archjtect of the to concert and e. .LIali yéuj e-,-'. ir living quarters on b ouse is furnished it is remnarkable, for., the C ent gi