cliand Ille xcel ent 1111c', Olt Z~ Ill î ioe.but have paiîtted it whiite ait added green slshutters. Insidc. thev' have insulated it throughout. put ini e\%-phuilning. a central gas hot-water hieating SNs- teini withl forced circulation. elec tricitv lin conduit. a fireplace, and hiave replastered and redecorated. 'l'le roomn plait has been quite easily,, and effectively changed. lin place ot the eighit snaall rooms wliich w,%ere necessary in the days of stove heat, tliev. have but five-a large living rooin aiffd dining roomn, kitchen, two hedrooins and a bath. There is rooni for a third bedrooni when needed. mff ni *anily? O)ur eco- fflitll ,Iiniiiate>s ali ~edt'inn-.for your Here's NEWS of Importance to Home Owners:- d - "* ' Ar ,bor- term trers.