72110 see emaet Ui)Ss<M Ble full>s for ludeor Culture wththeadjoining. Show Honse ilcd DAVS URNTIRE lanted deeper than the sinîgle sorts, Most of these bulbs arc desirable with great masses of blooiî. .At 1Lin- an froin 0 to 8 inches apart. Wheu for pot culture ini the hiouse. Ilu fact, colin ad\asitô parks also tltc 721-723 MainSt. UNI. 72'10 border the arrangemient .should 1)e the 1amnateur. may uii %with stich a tisual ýcolor cffccts. JEvan.ton rregu'lar, no straiglit lbues, and in ccrtaiùîty of success., Thev are easy Interested groups. oft visitots. inaV ___________________________nuiiibers of 7-11-15, the ýlower-grow- to grow if a few preca'utions are avail theieselves of tlle seCCial gluîd't ang varieties to the rear, the iligle. taken to insure a good root growth ýrv ditat isotïercd wivthout chargv. 25 at 100W e er10 ypes in the foreground. Narcissi de- before the pots are placed. iaflo telýf'iial)li iel the- l.,oN Barronne de la If onnaye, plnk $5.00 veiop inito great chumps and inay li full light of - a window. Order thetn culturv of the CFIrysaiuthemtimi. Bartigoun. Scarlet, large 4 7i planted 12 iuches apart. and left un- I entire ist of bulbs desired for a fuill ra:met 1rtissric a Bleu Almable. Helotrope blue Z0O0 disturbed for a number of years. winter of bloom~, pot the bulbs in îe aley calling Van Buren 8100 Cara t. Samonblack ....60 Hy*çiaîths regular bulbs pans, water wveIl to IOffice Of the chief horticulturist,. and Mmte. Krelage. Lilac-rose . .20 Flyacinths dIo very well the first compact the soil arouni the bulbs, immnediate. attention will be giVen to Princes. lzabetk. Deep pink 4. 40 season but unless planted in 'sandy see that each kind is securely labeled alr(us,,i sepliid CltfloHlm S carsrle 7.00o o i y *hev thevarietal nal.Iad ov r e essi epa . Clty . Maarcui. carle 2.00 %ei el enriched, l yare likely th h ae n oe