Itooth Tlarkiligton's novel and star- ring Katharinie Hepbu)ri at the XVi1- iette thieater ilext \Wedntesdlay. Ihtursday and Fridav. Fred Stone makes luis cilina debuit. Fred NMac- Murn~v, Frank Alhertsonnd tCha~rles ca st of ti', extreniely v w 1 lapt ed. Communlty Theater Has 'Oit for LamPs of China' "Oil for, the Laxpps of China," a fin~e, sincere story of an idealist*s uni- -wavering faith in his job. will show at the innetka Community fHouse, in a marvelottsi Storm Over picture with j Barrie, will be Teatro on Titi next week. ini the Orient st Sat. at 12:30 at 1 Clark Gable-Loretta You ng Jack Qakie about Thu this v i risli the. ý a davofjCol 'Tie t te