ROOM AND NEAIZTttANSPCI WILME TT1E porches, Il. A. Iuat, gaý offered it $100 a inonth.1 'lba .s at rueir$>!iit liii first floor. he- roofil, dilning fl ha-, a pn andi there i- n ini the hâse- ruction i i ol- htth ineftal latih The hom& - is With East1 VineAvuJIiglland 1r~2ÇiI!I ---11re(flellý 1 prhIipra o:ILtx H.Io~4:7Igandâlv lMd., J'! ighllandi > Park * I(or inspectionia>oiI.fvl o r furth.r inor mation Consult *H. and R. ANSPACH, ~ 'NTRIAL A\;]-, E 1 M ; 11AND J1AUK 12 12 GLENCOE M()ST ATTRuACTrIVE EULSUI IC'«K and stueuo. Sceeci iwation, noi- jofiýng large estate, 9 1<Ii,6 hedr'(Oîîis, Rooii and Wall eratio CUSACK v A 1T, MW e(i