à Ut1 office sota cleven. Thle k'urple players areAd beconing hardened to tough conipeti- tî,der tion, and refuse to be awed by the club( Gophers; who will be playing their thiss first conference gamie of- the season. epo Ini fact Coach Lynn Waldorf's ,>fIhi, young min are so bold as to figure - that they have an outside chance ofc4 nîtiot lecture, which is (uchi(Ck. 'viii he for Ihigh and yrd co j Registration in this groutîp> IuOW being ,received at ý\innietka Coni- inuniity. House. This Thurs(day aiter- ixoon i as beeni set a>ide as the dlate for niothers and chiidren *to ieet wvith Miss de Nanéèrec1e and, to hear ironm ler .plans for the working mit of this new venlture. WORK ON DESERT SET The Warner Brothers-First Na- tional lot at Burbank is the scènie of feverish activity. The nxost anibitious of the projects is the construction of il) to tell 1 Il, , i - ', m ý 4, , w, wý mi i e + .. ý 'l , , m ýý m. , i. , 1 Ida 'A.