difltartic e.rpilditilin. t- zttll iudby tlle Prcs club ,,as presented .?ilh 1hi- cat <î iigq b titi' Roun~d Tlable yroup. le'ctuaer t TrirIi aii sh.clool Tifesda.v; Octobt'r 2Q. si <I.lni~ti iliaftt'rmnoeiami the qcrîerail Public in thre 'ti1 L KENIL WORTH GIRL SCOUTS Il, I rte TROOP 4 * m s \Ve opened théemeting by singing lho% somne songs... Miss M.\acatile\- came ini*o and explained to us about selling a RyB rd is to to the chil- . la ut (lrI'.4, 't i'ealeral iuIl' ter, F. E. à, Co. Club jleeriagct inken Blros........ and so clos 4.11 lrj lg's. . . ......... tooduan Uro... . . 4 f.rent Atianile PaeIfir TeaUC......1,l < blu~er'i................5 .1..ShorWe Line 3iotors, lue.... i........... ...88 i. C...oe 11 ru. (I . ... am .......... 4" um Co ........288 .1. lu. .2m, 41 + mi