HlIC school wjfl bce held in tlic * Wo i ian's club auditorium o 9:< tuntil 11 :30 on cach of the threc * rornings. lE-veryonc is invited to at- * tend. Tfickets at extrerniely nxodest cost;' mayý bce had frorn members o0f the committee headed by MTL, *Charles Kreinier. 'North shore grocer.s who arc' * distributors oi Richelieu f ood proil- ucts are cooperating, i11 puttinIg (--M the school. Philippine Situation Church MeetingTopic ynment rarns. nd thi w Monday evei o'clock at ti Greenleaf av of the board -Ith" tring the details of ns, it is pointed out. e Amierican Chicago