Ira Easy t Be G" Congregatiônal cburch, is under the 1 uncer jane Addams. When bis case came up in, the leadership of H. A. Hindley, cub- Veteras of Wejlu WaV Juvenile cou*rt and he -vas awarded master. Warren Fifer is chairman- of' For three years prior to the to the Illinois Cdildren's Home.and thbe pack commnittee. American eutryito' the world wa.~t Aid society-for placement in a foster Will C. Huaggins is skipper of Sea. he was theCh;cago representative of home., le stulefily wetit wit h the .à- Scout Ship 43 (Ouilmette), sponsored, the~ Americani AmbulancéeField serv- -cety's caseworlvc.'. Wha.t did lie care by the Rotary club. The ship meets icç, and raised more tilan a million whr h ey to4i0k bh, im.ew1 j' cu t theBaist church. The Ma~tes -of dolars t1rough bis ,own efforts, to But suddetly he idnt wt to rt*nd Robert al ho iWnow siper199,whnbc was honoably dis- awa. . and r. Black, the foster f aé&Sea cot« shIiê jin ueaAlas- ctt t**ointhary wit the rank parents isit4h whom eu was plac~ed, lkawhich is getting the fienefit of of captain He was cited $y (eneral actually see*ned ýto lilce h. .They, the training he received ini Sea Scout Pershing for "especially conspicuotis 4ddnt think he was bad. They gave Ship 43 of Wilmette. Under the and neritorius service," and bas re- bim an allowvance beiore he wag careful supervision of Skipper IHig- ceived five decorations fronu the teiupted to belp imeif. They eyen gins the Wilmette Sea Sc~outs have French goverilfient. bought huni the mnch covetedi-pair of lied agreat summer sailinig the half In January, '1919, Mr. McÇormick roler skates. Even the< teachçr treated dozen' canoes and smail sa'ilboats. was senitë toi end bit the econonuic hi y hey have' built or procured branci of the Peace conference, to imi just like the rest of thé boys. For wIIi he organi7e food relief in thait stricken the frst time n hu is 11f. lie wa$ happy. dursing the past three ycars. lIn ad-ara rhi.srcetoh ol- Why h*u&hêb. *4?4l~on e 4hs~ ht oysbav ganedtry, the Polish goviernmenCmnade hilm At the present *kn* the society is valuable instruction aiboard a 40-foot a Commrander of the Orçier, of, Po- ,arebeig sperisedforothr satewith the orcler of the White Eagle chil caingorgaizaion. Duingtheof Lernberg. Northwestern univer- mont ofSep. teber 36new hilrenPercvalW. ostity in 1934 conferred upon him the weereceived for care, of these' 17 Cla.imeci by Death degree of Doctor of Humane I.etters. were accepted for légal guardlanship. PeivlW Pst140Mpea- He ba-, always taken an active in- Seventeen children were discharged. eeid laW sth 1400ay, le ave-n terest in Chicago charities and bas 0f this group 2 were adopted; 3 be- nue iontb atth paig ol s wife devoted much of bis time over a long came of age and were self supporting, He on dhavtebhen 67 yearof, ast eperiod 1of years to the interests of and il were discbarged to relatives Heri da hve 7yer ldls the Illinois Chitdren's Home and Aid whom the society had found willing PFor alben cosnet ears Mr.society of which hewsrsdn. and able to care for theni. One of fPost * CobnSon nco with. he M.A Crt mck i s fv ice-rIresident of the older girls was murried. iCrnSn an opvt Atnstuef Chicago and was __________________________wbolesale tea, colYee and spice one of the original. eighit founders dealers, 421 W. Erie street, Chicago. and trustees of A Cenitury of Prog- Volunteers of Amerlos fBorn in Dundas, Ontaria, Can., ress. He was chairman. of the Cen- t'eSt Boon to Destitute Mr, Post went to Detroit as a young tury of' Progréss Art exhibition, mian of 22. He remaintd there ni which was recognized throughout Operating along mucli the sanie he was 25 years old and then inoved the country as the outstanding fea- lines as the Salvation Arrny, the to Chicago. Fourteen years ago Mr. ture- of the Fair, and wbich would