rlgt froin.New Bernard S. Robsoni, of 1 E. D. Hintz d1 Walter C. Hi .Trier Black g Wil- BAK ýzpeter, Troop3 right baclc neri .goal Uenzie and * ubstitutes. to Hear AID 'What Destroys Pcacc?" Congregation Subjeet *'\\Vhat Destrç>vs Peace~' will lie fie subject of Rabbi Charles E.ý ch. WAIS rs. G. B. Smi..th w" 'j " >u 'u .3 01t i ~h. rs.G. . Snit illustratecî lecture by Maj. jajnes C. * 1 Sawders at an assembly to . le lield at the joseph Sears schiool on MQUo- A1 Gridders day mnorning, 'November 4, at 10. ren to Dead lock Th fip f th, sixth, seventh and Sears school football Ilecture. wl ta h -ound eight 1assi Major Sawders is a chemical4 en- presefli were: Win A.. E. C. and miss i noiiJI- coining