e r Tni, .r nd DENTAL N£EDS soc Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder . ..29C 39C Anitisptic Solution ........29C Soc Formula No. 9..........·25C CREAMS AND LOTIONS ............... s Prophyactie Tooth bruihes, 37c 50o lpana .ooth Paste....,...27e 50c Popsodent Tooth Pste .....29C HOUSIWOLD RFM60115 35C Vice's Vpe RUb ..........23e I p. Crtipure Russion Minerai O il .......................23 . OF SAMPLE LACES 3c 5c 1Oc Laces for ll sorts of purposes. from lingerie to table linon timmings. Verious widths and many patterns, in white or ecru, and even somne in colorl Only a manufacturr's closeout could explain these extraordinarily low pries. Laces and Trinmmings, Street Floor