Mrs. Burkhardt led the men ln slng- - - - * ing them. BrinpiIn Every Avalilolble Garment Cigarets were passeci by Mrs. Far- WieTi ley and Mrs. Melville C. Chatten. The Whil Ths Uice LstUs meni secemed pleased to receive thein. r After the, cnitcrta ument (which was onie of the eighit to be put ou I IEnTiAEOL by the Winnetka - \ilniette - Kenil- worth entertaininent committee for eris' leosptal at 'th Chcag, SA TS U I S DES djas ho vtan at NthCiao A rS SU lr UJ S. Vet- sponsored by the Skokie Valley chapter, D). A. R., Nvithi Mrs. Farley as general chairmari) the chaplain LÂED & ESE took the miembers of. the chapter ounL AE & -PES a tour of the building.____