The next Infant Welfare clinic wiII be held ,Wednesday, November 13, f romn 2 to 4 P. M. The Logan-Howard Dental clinic is held every Thursday nlorning froni1 9 to 12. ns of' date, espeeially as a wnity, scaring then ,i minds of mnany aid settiers as references to persolns lemnent once known as Cross Point, but now, a Part ided that the ordinances then existing shouId be zci contra ption caIIed a "hrorseless biu.ggy"' was creatig rhtv itight ta death, causing rii;-ava.ys and endanger- ven or ridden I ýeoef righit- RI A STAR of the person R V V 4 to corne to aI ear' f roma the G;ross Point rrner other th >sarne a chal aùd Lns. Lfld hos- Iar- 1