nactc yard of nis Bostoni home, irm which hu supplied ail the fresh vegetables for bis own table this summer, including that green delicacy of bis native Georgia-okra. The corn crop vras especially successful, and it is no mean feat to raise good -corn in that, locality. The concert on Noveniber 25 will be the second of *this season's Artist-Recital series, whicb are sponsored 4y the Winnetka Music club. jacques Cordon W1'11 Cuveý N. 5. Concert Dynantic and electrifying is this tle man- Serge Jaroff-who co ' ducts the Don Cossack chorus. Without baton .and zvfithput giiig a note he stirs his singers lu thHling <chievemnen ts and vivid interpretcîtions that thrill thse hearer "ta a stage of almost hiysteria," as wzas £0 aptly said in. the New York Amenican. [xhibt on Nov.20 The Chicago S ociety of .Artists ivill hold the opening reception of its aniual exhibition Wed- nesday evening, November 20, at 8 o'cloclc, in the galleries on the second floor, of Michigan Square building, Diana Court, 540 N. Michigan boule- vard'. The public is cordially invited to attend the reception and to view the exhibition during the. per'iod November 20 to Deceinber 20. Th.e galleries will be open daily froni 10:30 ini the morning to 5:30 in the. afternoon, except Sunday. This show will consist of recent work by members in oul, sculpture, water color and graphic arts. Grounps interested in art talks or art tours .of