pointeu postmaster'S offce. 1Auxiliary In'order that ail villagers, nias' have Cenlter. Ir anl opportuiiity to vie-w the 'le\%' say by E( building alid its initerior, Postmaster ,('ollected O'Connell hias arranged to keep opein the miateri house frorn 1 :30 wntil 9 o'clock, Sat- Wednesda - urday. November 30.. A cordial iii- 8 o'clock, vitatioin is extenided to al. villagers to cliurch:' take advanitage of this opportuinity. diaîîv I mvi Mn~ O'Conniell and several assistants cliar-ge or, will bie prese4lt to conduct groups tbroughi the building and explain theG system of handliiig the mails.NIr.R Plan FormaIl>Decication wrh. R At 3 o'clock a fori the building hias bý il dei the new ,rLei >intereste 0 crne. Ct ion. ci are cor- rhere isnio, FLQRIDA 0. Law, 321 Ke nilworth, ber daii Cole, and her dani conIpany at 1138 Central avenue. The Ulnder the agreement C. F. Ren-tis< neckar. dean of north shore phar- are rer .macists, and establishied at the same It be location for 29 years, %viIl retain an of giv interest' in the concerni, bis connec- prospe( tion being in an executive capacity. $25,>0O The personnel of the business wlI ron .15 remain intact.. . Presidt David S. Lyman, oNvnér of the plrPOsý T-mi Pharmncv nt 4 T inc.pn to the amage Mes "'l'il on. -ontinue during of these names reach are the