of Thbe apparatus, being modern and, ofthtre samne type in general use on the north shore and else- where, was approved. The purchase of 1.000', feet of additional hose was recommended, and this lias been provicled. Some changes in bydrants were suggested, which .had to await the laying of larger or additional water mains. Thiese are to be taken cave of in the near future. Thus it appears that there is no Iack of eqipi- ment or complaint of its condition., The fault seemingly'lies- with, a deficiency in mani pow er. * whiéch the Board of Underwriters bias long been trying to correct. This explains wliy only two * men responded to the Lyman alarm, one on each rarst- o -t ui u itm~Ias ~iupping ciirly con- fronts us. There is nothing niew about. this. In fact, withi the passing of the vears it lias becoine a fixed habit as %vell as a duty. and, muitcli as we dislike it, we do it almost niechanicallv. It is, anl old, hackneye'd admonition to whicli no one pays any attention,, although, optirnistically, year aftér year we entertain, hie hope that soine day somne one, perhiaps ini a moment of mental aberration, may take our advice. So far, if anythitîg like that ba s happenied it bias escaped our notice. We have even tried to coin a new phrase to substituite for "Do your Chrstmas shopping early," but -without avail, probably becalise, like the greeting, .Merry Christmas," there is no substitute. It now develops, according to the astrononiers, that Nova Hercules, .a recently discovertd star, is breaking into srnitbereenis,. 'and tijis is taken as evidence that the worid is also going bust. They also tel us that Nova is 7,038,83ý5,4(),000,000 miles awvay, but ive think thev got the ligures confused with the next appropriation for WVPA. Walter Williatns, director of' Illinois state dis- trict No. 5 of the WPAj lias -served notice that only democrats in full accord with the Nexx Deal wili be given jobs as bosses. It has raised a row, but ive hope lie sticks to, it. In fact, we hope, that