injury receive ini an iintra-miural toucli football gaine.13oth'. aer are regarded as promising candidates. Otiier Post Wid.01*mtean ar %ide open at thir, stage of the race. I.oss of NicAnniallv at ceuiter wil necessitate the use of a sophi- oniore at this position. The Ieading candidates at the present tinie arcl jake \agode, 6-foot 2-inicl sophomnore * f roni \\atikegati, and Jean Smith, 6)-i foot 1-iich first vear inaî f roin * Logansport.. mci. Thev %vill be 5up- ported by another sophoinorc,' Glenn. E'-vers. (6 feet 0 inches ' of Masoît Cit. Iomwa. who wvill report as soon as he e,4< ~eL m e lep4QKe. IS IIANIJY ALL DBAY LONG