Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Fitch, and other days at thie same. hot t1heir caughter, Miss IRebecca, 1033 wilI be: Tuesday, "Makers ElnNood avenue, have returned to Poles": WVedriesday, "Anim Wilmette after a stav of about six Chicago Region"; Thursda weeks on the west coast. Tbev di- eral tour of antbropolog vided their visit between NIr. and aitical, geologocila and zoo' Mrs. Ralph H. Rehbock (Lilliari hibits, and Friday, "The Gc Fitch) and their two children, ini These tours, conducted by Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. Thornas turerers, are open to al A. Fitch and tlieir two children, in visitors.> Parties assemble Los Angeles. 'north entrance.