former Imeeting, whicli w~ill he placed in itht NI Mi;, Christimas baskets. Con,, rs. Chester \V. Masoii of 516~ Akron. Fiftlh street, Wilnicttc. was cid ian \V. to the ofiçt of corresponditig sc tary at the board 1 of.cjirectors' inect- Siflg Fridlay, Deccember i. Mr. Ralph W]E. Sitishliiner, 935 Spruce ,treci. Winnetka wàs appointce1 a iiemnbür JS oftle badt rpaeMrs.. Robert lfh M TEM W. LWREN vu MY 1 Vàs (1 M r 415 Mapic e.clairinatn tIc' college artford.