HANDK'FS White or colôred-the ini- tial will add .an individual touch _tpyour gi ft. 35C tO$2 Bottom Panel MUFFLER $.5to $to Wools and silks ini sinart patterns and colors. GLOVES $1.5oto $5.95 Pigslcins, mQchas, fur and wool lincd, knits. SLIPPERS $2.65 to $4 Operas and romecos of fine kid-aII colors. Bottorn Panet, JACKET $6.95 to $18.50 Illustrated is our suede Iined wool jacket at $10-95. Also suedes and pigskinis. SWEATERS $2.95 to $20 HICKOK SET Beit, buckle and tieclasp .i useful and attractive Christmas packages. $2-50 to $12-.50