cli1 will (M til.. IPrida fký'eveý ne at The ¶echoit 1ning at the Carol, OliveI a. ni. a. ni.1 Thet pastor vvili begin a, seri-:s f el nions on the I:is ryr alvl ti- Pirst Congre gational T 'Pv ltv. Mr. Tide\ srvo VilIl be 'starting P cr"the first cof tw.v turti- T'le tiiiti'-ivwilIl be as fllw .Antei-"Send lout Tliiv Lighit- (loulio d Quate-"Rngout, Wid els- 'ouinod Postnde-auate oini li i Fryeinger, Lake atnd Wilinette avenues 'Plie Rev. Amuos Thornburg, nîinisttq' Next Sunday is the last ,sunday. of 1935. A y-ear cannot. have its richest meaë,niig foi, <me unle.,ss one's reflgious life is Ilicluded in ItL The many niembers and friends of this church will wish to share in this last service of the ofd year als they look ftrward to making plans to meet togéiher forwnhp during thé Sundays of the year ahead. The service- ivill begin Nvith the orgain prelude at 10 :45 o'cloelc. The . ntroit is sung just before il, and the process'ionàl hymn be.- gins at exa i Il olock. The, minister xvil eienl the plilpit as usual and will brini me utssage in kec.p)iing ith the spirit of the es. concert. Mrs. Graham ofthtle Wimette librar'y staff was the speaker. Miss Flaskered presented a group of eizhth grade children ini a playlet, "KinLcr,. in Nomania." The miothers of pre-school aiid pri~- mary children will meet januarv 13. The mothers of upper grade pupils wiII meet Januiary 15. at 10:30. in the morning. The meetings wiIl be held in the Central school sinali gvminasiîîm. Dr. Lane wifl peak to bath groups on, the saine subject: "Mýeit--lILiv- giene in the. Life of the Chili.- lu] English Lutheran seventh street at Gîreenleaf "'A House of Worshiv" The Rev. David R. Wabele, imastor SUTNDAY EVCE hsëhool..........9:41 ng woirship.......l:01 Ahe Il'