b tAO*fl aL Jfl tt8 Lljio , 1 the Murderer." Forbes wi the role of a suave detective. w nhusiasni icourt which at ber new Fsj RO M STAGE TO Phonie 1111 1 ne )y7 bteps,', monert I)onat, falsely accused of murder, must un- cover a treacherous spy ring in order to save siiself and, by coincidence, Mfadeleine Carroll is -forced to ac- company, hirn0on the perdlois adven- ture. Varsity Theater Shows' "Serooge" Decemnber 28 North shore school children. and aduits are eagerly awaiting Sat- t:rday morning, J)eceniber 28, when the Varsity theater will present 'Scrooge," film version of Char-les Dickens' "A Chiristmas Carol." 0.l