rivilb for years has made it a most popular New Year's Eve rendezvous, the Edgewater Beach hotel this year has T he cepted year it be helk the tw an imr passagg ngle aut fornhally atti will be se' was. 1 music will *Edgewater Beach Hotel ..Il Eriekson, Ben. ....... 38 EaIanston Business, College . . .31 *Evelyni's Beaut3 salon....... .44 Galring . .... ... . . 3 Great Atlantic & Pacifie 1Tea C..,The ilalteman Photo Shop... .. Hanna, N. A. ......Cover111 Heating Service Co.-. 8 6 H@rbon Bros. . ..... 48 Shawnee Service Garag .4 Shipp's, Harriet, Knit Shop . 44 .Shore Line Cleaners ......-...4o Skokie Valley Coail . .....48 standard 011 Co.>....... .19 Stevens, Edgar A., lu. ........2; Teatro del Lago ........:. 89 Terminal Hardware Store ..... 46 Uhlemann Fur Co. ........... s1 Valeneia Theater.............8 Van leusen's. ... ........>.... 4