Exide Sure-Start Service lo- cates the causes of run-down batteries -and specifies 'the remedy . . é t's »ew .. . real protective battery service ... keeps you out of starting trouble. Call for it today' ...at your nearest Braun Bros. Service Station. man (i L Itürtling iii and. Dale and Frank n ave neen on1 anid will ction. liave at for February 29,. R Ais. ; March 7, a t.nUa Sa, oliege 'at at Lake ENTERTAIN AT. DINNER Mý\r..anid Mrs. Edward T. Blak er of 1011 Central avenue. entertaine.d at dinner on Christmas day for eighteen frie.nds and relatives. The guests in-: cluded, Mi- and 'Mrs. A. H. Blaker and their fainilv of Chicago, Nlr. and Mrs. G, A. Lauderhiolrn and the-irl fainily of Evanston, '.\r. and M_%rs.! George. A. Tturner. of .Chicazo. Mrs. j Churches "Is the Universe, IncludingMa, Evolved Iwv Atoi1c Force?" was the subject of the Lesson-Sermnon ini ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sun- day, fleceniber 22. The Golden Text w a s, "Every Iiouse is bilded 1w soinie ma.n;but lie that bulit ail things is fxod" (He- brews 3:4). Anong the citati1ons wi ch coin- prise(1 the Lesson-Serrnon w'as the foi- lo%\iing froiii the Bible: The heavens declare the glorv of God: and the firmament s;he\vcth his hiandywork.