The new natatoriuni vvas planned as part of the recently completed. ad-. dition to the high school plant. How- ever, l)ecau-e of financial 'conditions of the past fev years, the board of education delayed finishing work on the pool. Work PartialIy Done Sorne of the preIimiînary work al- readv lias been done, but the tile work, plumhing, lightini ' and othe r features remnain to, be finislied.~ When completed the natatorium wiIl be twickà the size of a standard pool and will have a balconv for spec- tators, New Trier's present small na- be hcld Sundav afternoon, Deceinber 29, at 2 o'clock ini the large hall at 1010, Central avenue. Santa wilI bc there -,vit h presents for children of all ages, it is announced. There will be refreshnients, toô. The progranii commiittee consists. of Peter TbaI man,. chairmnan, deputy grand knight, joseph Lynamn, Frank Ortegal and others. Here's Christmas Gift; Ice Skating Now Free. Washinigtoni park, and four tennis 1)yiooya n couts n Vtùnn las eenVienna, although be di cours inVatR.a park,lisbe travelin g among the pec awarded to C. . Peterson Con- cast Europe. After 1. struction company, 5689 Newark ave- Dr. McMurry again tr nue, Chicago. This project, instigated Far East wherc he visi by and uncler the direction of1th cities, of Ceylon, a civi he as long been of grm Wilmette Park District board, of Jiim. which Henry J. Haack, 1228 Gregory Knows Strange -avenue, is president, is to cost $37,143. His travels from tini 0f this amount, $11,143 is a grant taken him ail over Eur from the federal Public Works' Ad- rica, Dutch E.ast In mi;istration. It is said that the work French 1Indo-China, tf wil require eleven weeks to corn- and the, Hawaiian IsIa plete. and that an average of 54 mien member of the weli-kni --'-~- - -'-'--*farnilv of educators an(