troi .Urs. Lymlan's private recipe. Specil.This Weçk: Chocolate Chip and k. 42 Maple Pecan, Quart'Brick...42 Foursome Package, serves four... 5C NWe wil deliver promptly at any time you specify. Jones will on Dr. St( rrowth at ýeorge lD. e discussion, lecture, "So- 'tiar3 i4evef. 1 will give bis The Pre-School Study grou p meets Tucsday evcning, january 14, at 8] o'clock, at the homne of Mrs. E. J. Matot, 130 Sevcnteet th street. The discussion.will be led by Mrs. G. WV. Qathercoal on thc subjcct of "Parent- child Relation."1 .I the b~outh sie, five on the west sidj(e, and five on the north side 'of the .city. The first game wiIl be plaved at thc Shawnee pool Tuesday, January 1~4, between Shawnee and Northwestcrn university. The five iiortlî 'side tearns are Shawnee Country club, N'orth-. western university, Centrai Y. M.A, Independence Park and Beilfus Nata- torium. The Shawnee players are Bernie H-ahn, Stanley Post, Bud Lang, Chip Taylor, Larry Davis, Robert Etsbach, Hal Renier, Bill Beebe, Haldane Wil- son, and Don Oelerich. Before the watcr polo gaine at Shaw- nee there will be a swimm;iin t-pt«>