bas been ever since, sional return trips to1 at Art For 35 years he hae of CI of ai Mr., Acad Acad ary1 tute, re li1 occa - - curch next Tuesday to Meet January 21 'clock to dbid him God. The annual meeting of the Wil- icamiTet ev. r ro ette Community Cbest association c. h. Rev- . D I be held and a large churçh here durit rgl- ed beld froni 8:3C wiltb~HOME FF las passed the $zo,Ooo Mr. and1 Mrs. g to audited reports and their sons IH gat 8 on bis Amer- Y( n, wbo Prcsyter bis boyhood. orn Pl Of arra re- for Ciq' ýsurer-Myles 1. Phillips, Ctors elected for a terim of tbree are. as follows: district-N. P. Linde, Earl C. n. district-H. G. Eisler, John W. district-Michael J. Sporrer, rry E. Pine.1 district-W, C. Black, A. C. .5 hUave b on or abo