third regent, and Mns. J. Kelso Far!cv, Jr., the present xegent. Mrs. Farle>y opened the meeting anid *introduced the guests, several of whon. *gave brief talks. Mrs. Goodhue said' that 'she was starting, in hler deartmnent. a D. A. R. miuscript collection. Mrs. Farley introduced Mrs.' Cope who'tuld of the organizinig o' the chapter at lier- home ini Kenilworth ten years ago and called upon Mrs. Bow'man, who assisted the organization. Mrs. Jackson told in humorous verse of the merits of the -Fourth division. ra, thte lith, C Arrangemeints Mode for Alpha Phi Mothers' Tea 'the. udio liuIi>cv, od- A me, y a centeri 'rs A. E. H- A J. Fl -s. Frank g of the held at Vassar 'House 'announces tea Mrs. C. B. of \Vilmette mne of Mri;. ;week.1 staurant i . t Kenineth oday's Fic- Firsi Horan Lecture at