THRIL IOWS wiIl add.zest to any- winter-weary wardrotv! Wh te, eggshell, Pnk, kelly greer, carrot,.buttercup Orlipstck col-$ ored accoren Plea*ted -crépé NEW DOESKIN GLOVES are ever so smartHfi7 white or cham- os with a pearl huckied. S-98 backstrap.. SY~~s4 to 7. 2 and They-*re -'v v/P .5 One and Two., Picce Styles Dark and Piistel Long iid-S hort Slecves Mlisses' and Wioimoe's Sizes \V 7 On Davis Street W J Wilmette 1100 J.ANU.ARY 21p, 1936 i